Customer Reviews

reviewed by:
aharmonI'll let you in on a little secret - this stuff is basically soap. But perhaps the best soap you've ever used! Straight from the bottle it is viscous enough to cling to most any surface while it works. Dilute it for use in a spray bottle or chain cleaner, and it goes a long way. And being a soap, you need not worry about skin contact or what happens when you rinse it off, like you would with a petrochemical solvent based degreaser. As a bonus, there's no solvent smell to annoy your significant other.

reviewed by:
A GuestI was told about this stuff by Ben Hardy, so I tried it. I was completely sold, after soaking an old greasy / dirty chain in it for about 15 minutes. The directions said to dilute it with water, I was highly skeptic of this. I did stir it up a bit occasionally, but I could literally see the gunk/build up/sand/old grease fall off the chain almost instantly!
On top of that, it didn't seem to be very caustic to the hands. I always try to use rubber gloves when working with degreasers, but there were none available at the time. It didn't seem to harm my hands.
I have a thousand hobbies, and I am excited to try this product on a bunch of the other stuff laying around: motorcycle parts,firearms,car parts....basically I'm surprised the first place I've seem this stuff was in a bicycle shop!

reviewed by:
A GuestYou know when your washing your bike and your rag bumps the chain then you smear the grease onto your nice clean frame? Then the grease seems to embed itself into the paint because wiping it more only makes it worse? A 50/50 mix of this stuff in a spray bottle cleans it up instantly!
This stuff is awesome.

reviewed by:
A GuestThis stuff is the best. I bought a gallon to use for a Park Tool School so we could delute it and have enough for everyone. This stuff works on every part of your bike, then when you are done working you can clean your hands with it. Oh man, you got grease on your new Dickies shirt! No worries this stuff takes it right out.