First Endurance
Ultragen Recovery Drink Tropical Punch 3lb 15 Servings
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2 available in-store, 80 available online
** Due to a manufacturer change, this will either come in a jug or a pouch.
The window of time just after you ride is extra critical for recovery and Ultragen from 1st Endurance is perfect for making sure you're ready for the next ride, next lap in an endurance event, or simply the next day. The exertion that comes from racing or intense training breaks down muscle and depletes glycogen stores leaving you feeling drained during your next effort. On top of that you''re losing essential minerals and vitamins and elevating cortisol levels. Ultragen from 1st Endurance was specifically formulated to negate these effects.
1st Endurance has done the research and uses levels of nutrients that have been shown through clinical trials to fully maximize recovery and build your body back up. We at Tree Fort Bikes can fully back up their claims through our personal experience. From riding 50 to 100 mile rides and races and actually feeling decent the next day, to using a small amount every lap on a 24 hour race - we couldn''t agree with their claims more.
According to 1st Endurance, and research they cite, there is a "critical thirty-minute glycogen window", (referred to as the "window of opportunity") immediately following exercise when insulin sensitivity is at its highest and exhausted muscles essentially open the door to nutrients. If nutrients are not absorbed quickly enough, however, this opportunity for maximum restoration is lost." It''s not just when but how well they get the nutrients that is important.
Ultragen''s many components are designed to work synergistically in order to fully maximize recovery, providing the right nutrients to the right place at the right time.
Tropical Punch is a Tree Fort Favorite Flavor!
From First Endurance:
Time-Response protein complex:
All proteins are not equal. Ultragen utilizes a special combination of the most advanced proteins available, each one offering unique recovery attributes. For example, Ultragen includes hydrolyzed protein because it is enzymatically predigested in small, easy to digest di- and tri-peptide chains that are quickly absorbed and digested within the critical glycogen window. Fast acting, Whey protein isolate delivers high levels of anti-catabolic branch chain amino acids. Milk Protein Isolate is a high biological value protein which takes longer to fully absorb.
Carbohydrate Catalyst:
High glycemic carbohydrates (sugars) are rapidly absorbed by the body and are easy to digest. Glucose, which has a glycemic index of over 100, is absorbed faster than any other sugar available. Ultragen contains 60g of glucose because studies show that high glycemic carbohydrates taken after exercise create a catalyst, which increases the uptake of glutamine, branched-chain amino acids, vitamins and minerals into exhausted muscle.
Cortisol Modulation:
Excess cortisol levels have been shown to suppress the immune system, increase the risk of upper respiratory infections and depress levels of testosterone. In addition, excessive cortisol levels can put the body in a catabolic state- where it breaks down muscle and store fat. Ultragen offers a synergistic blend of vitamins, minerals, co-factors, glutamine and BCAA''s specifically designed to modulate the damaging effects of cortisol brought on by intense endurance training.
Intense physical exercise drains Glutamine stores faster than the body can replenish them. When this occurs, the body breaks down muscles and becomes catabolic. Ultragen is formulated with a 6 grams of Glutamine for its anabolic and anticatabolic properties. Research has shown Glutamine supports glycogen and protein synthesis and increases nitrogen retention, which means it''s essential for muscle tissue repair and recovery.
Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAAs):
Considered the building blocks of the body, BCAAs are important for muscle growth and recuperation. In addition to building cells and repairing muscle tissue, BCAAs form antibodies that combat invading bacteria and viruses. Your body cannot manufacture its own BCAAs so they must be supplied through your diet and supplementation routine.
Essential vitamins, minerals and electrolytes:
Athletes, especially endurance athletes, need higher levels of specific vitamins minerals and electrolytes to help restore energy levels, fight free-radicals and maintain a healthy immune system. Ultragen provides the high-potency vitamins, minerals and electrolytes your body requires to maximize recovery.
Servings Per Container
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Review Summary
Mountain (1),
Racing (1),
Long Rides (1),
Road (1)
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A GuestBest recovery drink on the market.

reviewed by:
A GuestI am border line on this product. The first two times I used this, two consecutive days, after 45 mile road ride, then after a 9 mile run, it didn't seem to give me the recovery the following day that I was hoping for. Worked fine as a quick recovery drink, but legs and body was still pretty wiped out the next day. The following weekend, it seemed to work better for me, so jury is still out.
Really would like to get Enervit R2 recovery back somehow. That stuff was fantastic!
Not sure I'd buy Ultragen again, but if I do, will buy it from Treefort!